Timber Decking Services in Byron Bay and Northern Rivers

Nothing rivals the look and feel of timber, making it an exceptional choice for long-lasting decking. Timber decks are celebrated for their durability, being less prone to warping or rotting compared to composite decking. This makes timber the ideal material for those seeking a decking solution with enduring longevity.

Beyond their durability, timber decks offer an attractive, natural look that enhances the aesthetic appeal of any home. Often more affordable than composite or steel decking, timber has gained significant popularity in the Byron Bay and Northern Rivers regions over the past decade.

At OJM Builders, we are committed to providing the highest quality timber decking and accessories in Byron Bay and Northern Rivers. Our team of experienced contractors is available to discuss your options and meet your specific requirements, ensuring you receive the perfect decking solution.

Timber decking is particularly well-suited for families with children who love playing outdoors. Unlike other materials, timber is less likely to splinter, reducing the risk of injury for young children. This makes it a safe and practical choice for family homes.

Decking Installation Made Easy

For the installation of a magnificent timber deck that enhances your outdoor space, you need a team with a profound understanding of decking timber and proper installation methods. With extensive experience in timber decking, our skilled craftsmen guarantee that your decking project is executed to the utmost standards. Count on us to deliver the top-notch decking you deserve, ensuring that the installation process is seamless and enjoyable for you.

We invest time in comprehending your space, lifestyle needs, and financial considerations, allowing us to suggest the perfect timber products for your vision. Whether you favor resilient hardwood, a cost-effective treated pine, or a low-maintenance composite for your decking timber, we possess the expertise to realise your ideas.

Our thorough method in sub-frame construction, seamless layouts, and meticulous attention to detail guarantees the development of durable, fashionable, and secure decking structures that will offer years of satisfaction. From acquiring permits to waste disposal and every stage in between, we oversee the entire process, enabling you to relax and enjoy your new custom deck hassle-free.

Count on our team of professionals for exquisite, long-lasting timber decking installations, where every detail is meticulously executed to perfection.

Recycled, Reclaimed & Sustainable Timber

OJM Builders is dedicated to promoting the use of recycled, reclaimed, and sustainable timber. As old-growth forests face rapid depletion, especially in Australia and Asia, sourcing top-quality timbers from mature trees has become more difficult. As a family-owned and operated business, we understand the pivotal role forests play in our ecosystem. That's why we're steadfast in our commitment to environmental preservation for the well-being of future generations.

We are committed to advancing positive environmental outcomes, such as preserving old-growth forests, bolstering carbon storage, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

If you're keen on supporting environmental conservation while maintaining high standards of quality and aesthetics, we invite you to contact us today to explore your needs further.

Contact us

If you're interested or have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us today. Take advantage of our free consultation and inquire about any ongoing promotions.